Foothills Community Church

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Greetings church family!

Governments around the world have sensitive information that they deem must be protected. This information is called classified information. Only a limited number of people are given the security clearance needed to access this information. The mishandling of this information can bring about criminal penalties.

In March of 2024, a 22 year-old US airman posted classified documents to a popular gaming platform. These documents contained maps, satellite images, and intelligence on US allies. It seemed that this airman’s intent was to impress his friends that were on the gaming platform. Eventually the airman was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

In our current sermon series on Revelation, entitled Love Wins, we find God revealing meaningful information to John the apostle, to the seven churches of Asia Minor, and ultimately to his believers today. What was secret before is now out in the open - declassified! In Revelation 1, John sees that “among the lampstands was one like the Son of Man” (Revelation 1:13) and is told that “the seven lampstands are the seven churches.” (Revelation 1:20)  In other words, Jesus is present among his believers.  In Revelation 2-3, John learns that while among His believers, Jesus comforts us through the trials of life, commends us for our faithfulness in trusting Him and reflecting Him to the world, and corrects us when our love and faith start to fade.

Things are taken to another level in Revelation 4.  Revelation 4:1 says, “After this I looked, and there in heaven was an open door. The first voice that I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’” Wow, through the Spirit, God is taking John (and us) through an open door into the very headquarters of the universe! Talk about the ultimate experience of God’s transparency!!

God expresses his love for humanity in so many ways. He gave us life, He created us in His image, He sent Jesus to redeem us from the bondage of sin, He forgives and transforms us, He hears us when we pray, He is our armor against the demonic forces of Satan’s kingdom, and He provides for us without end.

But, let us not overlook another way that God shows His love for us. God is transparent with us. Heaven’s door is open, and He invites us through the open door to see once and for all how He operates, how He governs, and in glorious detail, how He will complete His rescue mission of humanity. Ephesians 1:9-10 says it this way - “He made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he purposed in Christ as a plan for the right time—to bring everything together in Christ, both things in heaven and things on earth in him.”

Remember church family, God’s will may be described as a mystery, but not in the sense that it is meant to be hidden. It is a mystery in the sense that we can only know His will as He chooses to reveal it. I’m so glad that, through Jesus Christ, God has chosen to be transparent with us, to reveal His love for us, and to let us know how ultimate victory will be accomplished.

God’s revelation is more evidence that He is for us, He is with us, and He loves us!!

Be blessed church family!

Pastor Chris